Message From The President
To become a full-line asset management firm trusted by a wider range of people

As of April 2024, the shareholder of Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management Co., Ltd. has changed from Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation to Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. As a core MUFG company specializing in asset management, we will continue to provide a variety of asset management services that meet the needs of our clients.
The environment surrounding the asset management industry has changed more than ever in recent years. As the government of Japan aims to promote Japan as a Leading Asset Management Center where its economic growth leads to people’s greater asset income by “shifting from savings to asset building,” clients’ expectations for an asset manager are getting higher. Since a new Nippon Individual Savings Account (NISA) launched in January 2024, asset management business has been attracting greater deal of interests from more retail investors.
We formulated a new medium-term management plan with a term of three years from 2024. To be a more sophisticated full-line asset management firm, we set the plan focused on three pillars: “enhancement of investment management capabilities” to provide a long-term performance that exceeds clients’ expectations; “product governance” by developing, investing, and managing reliable investment vehicles that clients can hold, as well as disclosing information; and “corporate governance” by bringing in outside perspectives for higher management transparency and prompt decision-making. In addition to these three pillars, we also will sincerely and aggressively improve our activities with regard to “sustainability.”
To achieve our Corporate Vision “Committed to shaping a prosperous future for our clients and society,” we will strive to become a full-line asset management firm trusted by an even wider range of people, and aim to provide “a driving force to realize people’s prosperous lives” as an asset management firm of MUFG.
We would greatly appreciate your continued patronage of Mitsubishi UFJ Asset Management.
President & CEO
Sunao Yokokawa